Thursday, May 26, 2011

Three Day Fast, Fabulous, and Frontierland...

Was my three day fast fabulous?  No...
But, it wasn't as hard as I thought it might be.  I even resisted a Fabulous dessert offered to the Efnor's on the Eve of the almost last day of school.  (Which usually is cause for some really good food in celebration of Summer finally getting here.)  The real trick to this diet is now being strict with staying on a low cal. diet.  I think I have finally come to realize that my size means more to me than that taco!  (For today anyway)

Ronnie ended the year strong with Straight A's... that was Fabulous
Steph ended the year with some really good grades... (except for math)  Not fabulous.  It's always math... Oh, how I hate you math!  Hated it when I was in school, and I still hate it when my kids have to do it...
Today I got to have a chicken salad... which was Fabulous and at 465 calories, so I'm done for the day!
Cute Sister Weight showed up on my door step with Cinnamon Roll bread, not fabulous!  Well, it was fabulous for Ronnie, she is enjoying another slice!
Summer is here and we have a lot planned.  Steph is headed to Samoa for two weeks where Ron and I shall depart for California to visit family and friends... and of course a trip to Disneyland.  Which brings me to...
Can't wait to get back to Disneyland after seeing Pirates 4!  I think it has to be my favorite ride in the entire park.  My kids have been very lucky to have gotten to go so many times... from annual passes to wonderful people signing us in... it's been so much fun.  Fun on Pirates!  Why?
Enough said... Right?
Can't wait to see what my Mom packs up in our back pack of love for the big day at D-land... It's always so nice to be able to reach into the back pack and pull out all sorts of goodies that were FREE (for me) while traipsing around the happiest place on earth.  Then we have a surprise for Ron planned, something to do with her favorite entertainer... Elvis.  This will be another post for sure loaded with pictures.  Can't wait for the rest of our adventures this Summer.  It should be fun! 
Adventures...?  Hey, wait, is Pirates in Adventureland or Frontierland?  Oh, whatever... It's all going to just be Fabulous!  (Even on a 500 calorie diet.) 
Disneyland corn dog from the fabulous red cart=476 calories!  This is fabulous news... it will be all I eat. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Understanding This Blog Thing a Little Better...

Second day of my diet... (I know... your wondering what the heck my dumb diet has to do with understanding my blog better... Sorry I'm hungry, which leads the mind to wander!) I always start my diet out with a three day fast.  Well, I guess I should say, when I'm serious about really starting a diet this is what I do.  If you can get through the three days of no eating, it's so much easier to stick with a diet.  You detox your body and really loose your usual carb. cravings, and shrink your stomach as well leaving you with a smaller appetite.  (This is my theory on the matter anyway)  Research on this I have not done, but I think it makes sense.
Yesterday went well... but today I want to eat.  Especially when I'm not super busy.  Both kids are sleeping before guitar lessons and camp meetings later this afternoon, and this would be the perfect time to go make a wonderful taco, or plate of nachos, or grilled sandwich!  BUT I will resist or become a failure on my blog in front of all five followers... I'm pretty sure the only follower that reads this garbage is Mitch my husband for fear that I might ask him if he read my latest blog update, and have to turn to me and  say no.  Poor man... poor, because I probably will update more than he would like to read!  I seem to have a compulsive side that way.  Once I start something it's all or not... And the fact that this material is so not interesting except for helping me continue to stick with my diet by giving me something to do before my evening gets started.

OK as for the title of this post, I have come to realize what happens when I post up to the blog.  I mean as far as why one becomes a "follower".  In the beginning I thought it was just a nice way of showing support.  A way to say "Hey, that's right, I came, I saw, and that makes me a good friend...right?"  But last night I gained some further knowledge in the world of blogging and see that if your a follower... then you automatically get an update when said person your following posts up.  WOW!  That could be annoying, to get a notification every time a person thinks they have something interesting to share?  It made me kind of self conscience!  Self conscience about what I have to say,  self conscience as to if I can be interesting enough to deserve followers!  So I am going to give you poor souls a way out... if you want to stop following at any given time do understand I wont get my feelings hurt!  Unless of course your my Mom, or Mitch... Besides as I said in the very beginning... This is going to be one heck of a journal... if anything... that it will be for sure!
AND... one last thing................. I'm starving!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday... is my favorite day!

Yesterday was particularly nice as Denice drove out to go to church with the family.  I made my Sweet and Spicy pasta by request of Ronnie, and when I say "spicy" we are talking Habanero pepper spicy! Gotta keep a glass of water near by when eating this dish... (Yes Mom, there was a salad) and of course TONS of garlic bread!
Debbie made her pineapple upside down cake!  The girls love that...  (not me)  It's always nice when It's our turn to have the newlyweds for Sunday dinner.
It was a wonderful Sunday of relaxing, watching our usual "Best Two Years" and some board games too.

Sunday was great!  It always is...
BUT today is another day... Monday, the beginning of the week.  So of course being that it's a Monday, I have decided to start a diet!  I wonder how it will turn out as every Monday sounds like a good day to start a diet and just about every Monday after starting one, I fail. 
I'm thinking that if I put it in writing and fail I'll feel like a super failure if I don't succeed, so hopefully this will be the motivation I have been looking for!  Im very worried about shedding these extra pounds that I have gathered in the past few months before we go to Nauvoo!  Have you seen the costumes we have to wander around in?  It's hot and humid, and I just can't do it FAT...  So yes, today.... MONDAY, I declare myself to be on a full fledged starvation diet, mixed up with some hard core exercise.  There, I said it!  There's no going back, and right now I'm feeling confident!

I'll check back in after I go running!  Bye for now!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Bee's, Pirates, and Pantry!

A few things today!  Yes, Mom, I finished my pantry.  It's amazing the things you can find in an un-kept pantry!  Actually any un-kept quarters a person is bound to find hidden treasure.  (No not to pirates yet!)
I found the "Lost for ever" Easter eggs, the "disappeared into thin air" Mickey Mouse apron...  Nutrisystem dated back to 2005, Pig vacuum, cool Halloween mugs, various tools like screw drivers, tape measures, hair products.... Oh, the list could go on and on!  I'm proud to be able to report that I know exactly what is in there now.  Nothing outdated, and there is a ton of room to start building more food storage.  Upon cleaning the darn thing out I also am proud to report that the Efnor's aren't doing as bad as I thought.  Heck, a person can live off of carrots and oats for a very long time... Right?

Onto BEE'S...
I never knew that while gathering up pollen, bee's store it in their back legs.  I just watched this bees legs continue to get bigger and bigger with yellow pollen.  I will have to further Google this for information to find out the actual process later.  I bet Clint knows.

Which finally brings me to a more important matter of yesterday, and that was our family trip to the midnight showing of Pirates.  Of course we went with Lisa Mills and Shelby... Shelby and Ronnie have seen the midnight showing for all previous Pirate movies together, and they didn't want to break the streak.  In this family we have a policy.  It's quite simple, break a tradition, be on someones bad list for life...
Another tradition is that we take our usual place in line.... FIRST!  This year however, I was 30min late getting that spot and had to settle for second.  We were content with this as the party in front of us was only a party of three, so we knew we were going to get the seats we think we should always be in when we go to the movies.  (Debbie mostly goes for the popcorn so her take on this may be a little different)  I on the other hand have had to resort to drastic measures in order to sit in the seat I know I deserve.  Why do I deserve it you ask??  Because I do my time in line.  Yes, BIG TIME.
Yesterday was eight hours in line before they let us in and then three more hours until show time.  Was it worth it?  YES.

We have tons of fun waiting and making ourselves sick on snacks...  Can't wait for the next one.  How was the movie?  I highly recommend it!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"I dont want to talk about any trips until our Food Storage is in order"....

Oh to be a an almost five year face booker trying to make a way for herself in the world of blogging!  Will this ever get easy?
Today I decided it's time to drag out the old food storage and make room for items not ten years out dated!  Yes, folks it's a sad situation over here in the Efnor house.  My pantry is a mess!  I think the last time it got any attention was when Debbie was in high School! 
My motivation came from pure selfishness, and had nothing to do with every reason we have been taught to build a years worth of food storage for our families from like as far back as I can remember.  Nope!  Can't take credit for actually being a smart girl and listening to the prophets teachings...
But, I can take credit for being a good wife and listening to my husband when he says, "This is your assignment for our family."  OR rather the first part of the conversation where he mentioned he didn't want to hear another word about trips until our food storage was in order...  Yes, that might have been the part that really made me think... "MAN, I better get a move on this food storage thing!"

So I'm not even half way through that horrible pantry, and I find myself.... BLOGGING! It's ten to six and I'm thinking I better get off this thing and run down stairs!  I need to make things look like something big is going on down there before Mitchael gets home!  (It's Mitchael when I'm serious.)

Monday, May 16, 2011

And so it Begins....

Ok, so here we go! I have been thinking about starting a blog for some time now. First I love the idea behind being able to print it all up and call it your Journal! I just might actually be good at keeping one if I am able to do it through a blog. Second, my Face Book is way out of control. I wanted to stay connected to family and specific people and now seem to be constantly bombarded by people who are being mean to each other. Don't get me wrong... I love Face Book, and believe that it can be a fun and positive forum when used as such. Yes, I will be the first to admit... I have a face book sickness, but am willing to recognize it and move on to something that will hopefully be a better fit for what I want to have in my life.

Also... I will have a Photography Web page to maintain, and I will be keeping that connected to my Photography face book page. Keeping that all up dated will be a huge enough task with all the family projects, and starting back up in school again in the Fall.

I love most of my face book friends, but not the feeling I get when I walk away from the computer so I think this is my best solution.

I will be posting mostly family fun events, things that are going on with the Efnor's, and a little school, mixed with travel stuff too!
I'm exploring different avenues of art to express myself... Right now it's with a camera. I will dive into what will make me money so I can support my interests, but ultimately would like to call my self something other than a "Family Photographer". Finding what is my passion, weather that be shooting architecture, sports, abstract... I do not know.

I do know, however, what I love to frame up in my lens are things that a million people aren't already doing... I have never been one for following in a thousand peoples foot steps. I'd rather be in the front making foot steps others choose to follow.
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