Tuesday, September 4, 2012

WOW!! It's been a year since I was last on!!

So my girl pulls up my lost and forgotten blog and say's..."Can you please post some pic's?"  Wow, what a joke!  I set this awesome goal of blogging as a way of keeping a photo diary.  I thought every year Id print it!  How easy would that be!

Failure!  So, I'm left with a pathetic looking blog, and solid proof that I'm a procrastinator!  How will I ever catch up?

Summary:  (AS UN-ORGANIZED as possible)

SO let's see... Is it all here?  NO...
But that is why they call it a summary.  As best as I can remember we had Steph go to Samoa, she also graduated from HS somewhere in there and then went to Hawaii with her cousin.  There were many trips to Disneyland, and California beaches...  EFY for Ronnie, a trip to Vegas... TWICE, and straight A's!  Lot's of birthday gra's, a trip to Nauvoo to be in the Pageant... (2011) Yes, I never posted that glorious trip.  A trip back to Nauvoo 2012 with some dear friends!  Luau's!  Photography!  A grand baby!  A trip to Canada with Mitch...  A new car for Stephanie.  College at Chandler Gilbert for our Dodie as well...  Midnight Movie adventures!  A baby blessing, trips to UTAH!  New Years Eve extravaganzas!  The annual winter snow ball fights.  Kids growing... great food, awesome family devotionals...  A new car for Denice!  Denice going back to school to complete her Bachelors.  Wedding's, baby announcements for dear friends.

Oh my goodness I almost forgot about Aloha Festival!...And on and on and on...

It's been a wonderful year and a half, and maybe I can start fresh from this point and try to stay connected to this blog...  Obviously I'm not promising anything because I fear starting a blog for me is probably on the same level as starting a diet!

Coming up...  A couple more trips!  Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas... all of which will be Joseph Mitchael's "First"... So I'm sure I'll be blowing everything up with pictures.
Here's to turning over a new leaf!...  A girl can hope can't she?

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